Green/white candy


You chose the Green/white candy and not thinking twice pop it into your mouth and ate it. You then got dizzy and pass out only to wake in up in some kind of nursery filled with Pokémon eggs. You wonder why you appear here but you also question why you were in one of the beds that holds the eggs. You wanted get up but you felt to cozy and warm in the spot. As you relaxed in the bed you start to regress and change. Soon you got to a size and of a infant that had just been born. You then notice a shell growing around you. You try to stop it but nothing work as your limbs went numb to you getting even younger. By the time the shell finish you were now with in your own Pokémon egg. You realize that the legends of how the bar curses people who enter are true. You thought to yourself if that was true that means within minutes your mind will regress to your new form. You try and struggle and you start to feel the nothing but the urge to get hatch and be raise by someone. And with this the curse wash over your turning into a full blown unknown Pokémon baby. Now you just lay in the nursery in the Pokémon Day care waiting to be adopted by someone.

Enjoy your new life as a Egg (baby Pokémon).



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