Horse shoe


You chose the Horse shoe. You became curious about it and examine it but it just seems to be a normal Horse Shoe. As you reach for the horse shoe it launch from the stand and attach itself to your hand. Feeling weird you start to feel dizzy and fall back. You brace your self to hit the hard ground but with a flash you find yourself landing in some kind of field. You look around and notices some cows and a farm. You some how got transported to some kind of Horse Farm. You then start to smell something good but as you look around you notices the smell was coming from some hay and making sure no one is looking and you got down and started to eat the hay and found it really good. You started to eat more and more not noticing that your body started to change and take on a more Horse like form. You tried to stand up but found it impossible. You walk over to puddle and look into it and to your horror you look like a normal Horse. You realize that the legends of how the bar curses people who enter are true. You thought to yourself if that was true that means within minutes your mind will regress to your new form. You try and struggle and you start to feel the urge to walk, eat, mate and reproduce. And with this the curse wash over your turning into a full blown Horse. You just moo as the farms star Steed approaches you and you present your self to the Steed and the two of you mate. Within a week your owner found out that you are pregnant due to you not running alot.

Enjoy your new life as a simple breeding Horse.



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