Phone 2


You choose Phone 2. You pick up the phone to try and see if you can call for help. But right when you place the phone up to your Ear it started to melt like chocolate in a mug of Hot Chocolate. It cover your whole body and you felt it starting to squeeze you and you then lost your balances and fell back knocking your self out. When you came to you find yourself in some kind of room and you felt something on your chest. Thats when you look down a see a small infant baby girl drinking milk from your breast. You realize that the legends of how the bar curses people who enter are true. You thought to yourself if that was true that means within minutes your mind will regress to your new form. You try and struggle and you start to feel the urge to take care of the small girl in your arms, after all she is your daughter and you did give birth to her and all you wanted to do now is to protect her and teach her and see her grow up . And with this the curse wash over your turning into a full blown Young mother who continue feeding her daughter.

Enjoy your new life and hope that when your older you don't go back to the bar.



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