Portal 1


You choose portal 1. As you enter everything went dark then you open your eyes again only to find that your in some kind of room thats both familiar and unfamiliar to you. You notice that your now in some kind kind of cage and you try and get out. Your first attempt failed as you fell back onto your bottom. You try again but right when you get to the top a woman comes in and picks you up. You start to feel like this lady makes you feel safe it wasn't till you past a mirror when you realize that you had become a baby girl. The legends of how the bar curses people who enter are true. You thought to yourself if that was true that means within minutes your mind will regress to your new form. You try and struggle and you start to feel the urge to go to the bathroom but then with out thinking twice you went into your new diaper and with this the curse wash over your turning into a full blown Infant girl. 

Enjoy your new life and hope that when your older you don't go back to the bar.



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