Portal 2


You choose portal 1. As you enter everything went dark then you open your eyes again only to find that your in some kind photo shot area. You see a man and some woman and they both smile at you as you stood there puzzle and confuse and ask if you can use the bathroom they both nodded and you ran off. You glance into the mirror and were surprise that you became a 7 year old girl. You wonder what you were doing there. It wasn't a school photo thing but it was something thats when you notices a sign on the wall that read "Kid clothing modeling" You had become a model for kid clothes. You then grab your head as new thoughts enter. Thats when it hit you the curse did this.  The legends of how the bar curses people who enter are true. You thought to yourself if that was true that means within minutes your mind will regress to your new form. You try and struggle but it was no use as your mom enter the bathroom asking your ok and you tell her yeah and the two you headed back to the photo shoot area to continue your work.

Enjoy your new life and hope that when your older you don't go back to the bar.



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