Yellow/orange candy

You chose the Yellow/orange candy and not thinking twice pop it into your mouth and ate it. You then got dizzy and pass out only to wake in up in some kind of field filled with Ponyta. You felt some pain coming from your hands and feet. You looked at the hands and saw that your fingers were shrinking out of existence. Your hands then reshaped itself, became harder, and turned grey, creating hooves instead of hands. Your feet changed in the same way, making him unable to stay on to feet anymore, falling forwards onto Your hands. Your arms and legs started growing cream fur. Sudden bursts of flames came out of your limbs. The fur reached your torso as it started to change shape. A fiery tail came out of you, burning your clothes off. Your neck grew longer and wider. Your hair was burned off and replaced with a mane made of fire. Your nose and mouth changed shape and stretched forward to make a muzzle. Your ears stretched into a point before higher up yours, and your eyes changed shape and size before becoming mostly black and brown with a little white. You had now fully transformed. You realize that the legends of how the bar curses people who enter are true. You thought to yourself if that was true that means within minutes your mind will regress to your new form. You try and struggle and you start to feel the urge to obey, eat, play. And with this the curse wash over your turning into a full blown Ponyta. You ran off to go join your Ponyta sister and play while hoping one day you'll get to evolve into beautiful Rapidash.

Enjoy your new life as a simple Ponyta.



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