
Door 7

 You choose to run into the second door and once you enter you can't leave. You continue to walk and then you came across  4 different doors. Each of them are base on mysterious symbols. You also found a sign that read "Once you enter you won't return. You won't even remember that you ever came here all you would know is that you are in a different situation. So choose wisely.) You already knew that your bond to be curse so what's the worse that can happen.  - Door 1 ( Freddy mask symbol) - Door 2 (Bed symbol) - Door 3 (Magic Lamp symbol) - Door 4 (Farm symbol)

Maternity exercise outfit

  You choose Maternity exercise outfit. You then were teleported back to your office back at your home ,Through many days of hard work and sitting at your desk. Your back has taken a toll and become painful. You've gone to the chiropractor and even tried the stretches. But nothing has helped. Even thoughts of going to the doctor to see what's wrong. So you get up from your chair in your room to go. As you do that, your legs shrink and smoothen. Becoming thin as your ass expands and becomes big, like a mother's. Hips beginning to widen as they fatten to be child bearing. Long brown hair grows down your head onto your shoulders and your face feminizes. Arms shrink and smoothen with fat building. Breasts start expanding from your chest into D-cups and fall into a bra. Next your belly grows outward. It expands and expands. Stretching the skin of your belly. Until it is 7 months pregnant. You realize that the legends of how the bar curses people who enter are true. You thought t


  You chose the mirror and with a flash you were back in your apartment. Your apartment had some very bare walls and open spaces. Decorating wasn't a great strong suit. But, the time had come to fill the empty walls. You notice that the mirror you had just touch moments earlier was now in your bedroom, standing by it you start to get a strange feeling by it. Loving where it fits. Then thinking that you wish you could see your own family in the mirror. The mirror slightly glistens to your amazement and you look closer. As long dirty platinum blonde hair grows down your back. As your entire body loses most hair and skin smoothens. Your face feminizes as your shoulders slightly narrow. Arms shrinking and slightly fattening at the top. Shrinking in height, as your legs thicken. Big thick thighs stretching your pants. Hips widening as your ass becomes fatter and round. Your clothes change to a thong, salmon leggings and a white sports bra. The bra then fills with C-cup breasts. Just as

Maternity bra

  You chose the Maternity bra. After touching it it vanish and you were teleported home and you started to feel weird, you decide to go to your doctors tommarow. After not going in to the doctor for the couple months. The nurses were surprised to see you come in. But, they give you papers to fill out. Once you fill those in, you go up to the counter and turn them in. Only to go back and sit down to wait. The feeling of butterflies begins to fill your stomach. Having no clue why, you just brush it off. The nurse comes out and calls your name. Standing up to head back there the feeling is still in your gut. First your height is checked as you shrink down to 5'7". Next they ask you to sit down to get blood pressure. Your legs becoming slim, thighs expand to make your sweat pants become tight. As does your ass becoming large putting a strain on your pants. Hips widening to put them on the edge of life. Feeling discomfort in your lower half as you squat to sit, seeming as if to alm

Door 6

 You choose to run into the second door and once you enter you can't leave. You continue to walk and then you came across  3 different Pregnancy's items. Each of them are base on a certain Pregnant women. You already knew that your bond to be curse so what's the worse that can happen.  - Maternity bra - Mirror - Maternity exercise outfit

Green/white candy

  You chose the Green/white candy and not thinking twice pop it into your mouth and ate it. You then got dizzy and pass out only to wake in up in some kind of nursery filled with Pokémon eggs. You wonder why you appear here but you also question why you were in one of the beds that holds the eggs. You wanted get up but you felt to cozy and warm in the spot. As you relaxed in the bed you start to regress and change. Soon you got to a size and of a infant that had just been born. You then notice a shell growing around you. You try to stop it but nothing work as your limbs went numb to you getting even younger. By the time the shell finish you were now with in your own Pokémon egg. You realize that the legends of how the bar curses people who enter are true. You thought to yourself if that was true that means within minutes your mind will regress to your new form. You try and struggle and you start to feel the nothing but the urge to get hatch and be raise by someone. And with this the cu

Yellow/orange candy

You chose the Yellow/orange candy and not thinking twice pop it into your mouth and ate it. You then got dizzy and pass out only to wake in up in some kind of field filled with Ponyta. You felt some pain coming from your hands and feet. You looked at the hands and saw that your fingers were shrinking out of existence. Your hands then reshaped itself, became harder, and turned grey, creating hooves instead of hands. Your feet changed in the same way, making him unable to stay on to feet anymore, falling forwards onto Your hands. Your arms and legs started growing cream fur. Sudden bursts of flames came out of your limbs. The fur reached your torso as it started to change shape. A fiery tail came out of you, burning your clothes off. Your neck grew longer and wider. Your hair was burned off and replaced with a mane made of fire. Your nose and mouth changed shape and stretched forward to make a muzzle. Your ears stretched into a point before higher up yours, and your eyes changed shape an